There are a large number of Beetle species in Ontario. The most observed are:
Asian Lady Beetle
Japanese Beetle
Red Milkweed Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Common Red Soldier Beetle
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
In addition, there are also wood-boring beetle species, destructive in nature, feeding off wood structures.
As like other insects, the Beetle Species have a head, thorax and abdomen with six legs. They have strong powerful jaws, with solid, tough bodies.
They may live on plants, in wood, or in burrows in the ground and some even swim.
Beetles can be both a negative impact and positive impact on our environment. Some beetle species destroy crops or property, causing significant damage to trees in our forests and wood in our homes and other structures. While others are prominent decomposers that help to get rid of garbage, eat dead trees, reduce populations of problem insects like caterpillars and pollinate flowers.
Most species of Beetles have a life cycle of one year and go through four different stages; egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Spring and Summer when plants and ponds are alive with food.
Beetles are incredibly adaptable and will go dormant, similar to hibernation to wait out the winter.
Adult Beetles most often seek winter shelter in our homes or are brought in on firewood. Some species are more of just a nuisance to humans, but for some specific species of Beetles that can be destructive to wood products, the damage to our homes can be costly.

If the infestation warrants it, Balson recommends an exterior treatment spray of your property (by acreage), which includes your wooded areas, your gardens, bushes, entertainment areas and the perimeter of your home and out buildings.
If the concern is more localized on the property, a treatment spray can be directionally sprayed into those problem areas.