The most common domestic flies in Canada are:
Blow flies
Cluster flies
Drain flies
Fruit flies
Flesh flies
Phorid flies
House flies
Most flies share similar traits over all. The House Fly can be used as a reference when understanding flies and Pest Control. The House Fly can lay up to 500 eggs in a females life time. The eggs are laid in dead and decaying organic matter, such as food waste, carcass’ or faeces. Fly larvae (maggots) hatch from their eggs within a day. They live and feed where they were laid. Their development takes from 2 wks to 30 days dependent on conditions. The next stage in development transforms the larvae into a pupae. Within 2 – 6 days a fly emerges from the pupa.
The adult fly lives between 2 weeks to 3 months.
The Cluster Fly differs in that the adults feed on flower nectar, plant sap, fruits and other organic material, rather than dead or decaying material. As well, their larvae are parasites of earthworms. A good year for earth worms, means a great year for the pesky Cluster Fly, which in turn creates larger swarms of cluster flies to annoy humans. Cluster Flies can live up to two years.
Late Spring to early Fall for the average fly.
Late Fall to early days of Winter for Cluster Flies, when they seek out entry into your home to wait out the colder weather.
Flies are known as a nuisance, but they can also be harmful to humans for the wide variety of bacteria and organisms that they carry on their bodies and in their gut. Due to the fact that they breed and feed in dead and decaying matter. Flies can fly for several kilometres, transmitting bacteria found on their hairs, mouth parts, vomit-us and feces. Disease-causing organisms are typically deposited through the housefly’s regurgitation and defecation process.
Cluster Flies are very different in that they can be annoying, but do not bite, spread bacteria or lay eggs in food. They pose no health threat to humans.
Preventative measure in control, which includes treatment in the Spring (May) and Fall (Sep).
Balson recommends an exterior treatment spray around the perimeter of your home. With traditional Flies we treat the base perimeter of your home (along the foundation), as well as along the roof line. This includes the soffit lines, windows and doors.
With Cluster Flies, they will gravitate to the highest point of your home, usually the attic. In addition to the above exterior treatment, an interior treatment is also required. The recommended action is fogging.