When it comes to small rodents, the most common to Ontario are:
House Mouse
Deer Mouse
Norway Rat
Roof Rat
The House Mouse is known for it’s large ears and light brown to dark grey coat, with a lighter shade on it’s belly. On average an adult female House Mouse can have over 60 babies in one year.
Mice that have white on their bellies, their feet and the underside of their tails, with a brown or grey coat are Deer Mice. Deer Mice can produce two to four litters a year, containing three to eight babies.
The typical life cycle of mice is 2 -5 years indoors.
Rats originated in Asia and are larger then a mouse. They can weigh up to 1 pound. A rat that is found to build complex systems of tunnels and burrows at ground level is the Norway Rat. It prefers damp areas like crawl spaces and running tunnels along the base of a home close to foundation walls. The Roof Rat on the other hand prefers to be high up, living in trees, vines and other dense vegetation. They are expert climbers and will infest attics, roofs and upper stories of buildings.
Rats can give birth to as many as 7 litters a year, with 5-12 pups per litter.
Mice and Rats are active all year long, every month of the year. However, the activity in and around your home is noticeably heightened between September and December. When the weather starts to get cold, small rodents will move indoors to weather the winter.
Not only can mice and rats cause a significant amount of damage in your home, they can also carry diseases. They populate very quickly, so it is imperative that the concern is addressed right away to avoid a severe infestation.
Balson Licensed Technician will perform an onsite initial assessment of the activity in the home, the level of infestation and access points that have been identified.
Getting small rodents such as Mice & Rats under control requires a procession of steps. The level of activity and infestation dictates the length and frequency of the ongoing maintenance.
While onsite performing the assessment, our Licensed Technician will request approval to proceed with installation of interior and exterior rodent stations to get started on control immediately. All of our stations contain an effective commercial bait.
Before leaving, a frequency plan will be agreed upon with the home owner for the next scheduled visit. This could be a return within a week, two weeks or maybe even a month, to assess activity again and re bait the stations.
Following the installation, within two business days, a quote covering exclusion work to seal up identified access points will be emailed. Sealing up access points into the home is a necessary stage in prevention and maintenance. Ensuring that the small rodents do not continue to flood into the home and in tandem, the installed stations will eliminate the rodents that are active in the home.
The stations are purchased by the home owner and placed in appropriate areas identified by our Balson Licensed Technician. This is an added benefit for our customers. If at any time in the future, a rodent concern arises again, the stations will already be in place and with a simple phone call we can just pick up where we left off. Simplified peace of mind!!